A terrier named Beau has been rescued after an animal welfare organisation joined forces with a local fire crew to save the plucky dog who got himself stuck after digging under a neighbour’s house in Wiltshire.

The RSPCA was called by a woman at lunchtime on 28 March with reports of a dog who had dug himself into the foundations of the neighbour’s house near Swindon.

Inspector Stephanie Daly attended along with a crew from Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service to work to free the dog.

“We were called by a woman who was looking after the dog, she explained, adding “Somehow Beau had run into a hole in the ground chasing a rat and then carried on digging.

“He managed to dig underneath the foundations of the neighbour’s house and got wedged with his little back legs poking out.

“When we arrived we could hear him growling now and again, and knew we needed to get him out quickly.”

RSPCA inspector Miranda Albinson and a crew from the fire & rescue service helped inspector Daly free the dog who, luckily, was unharmed by his ordeal.

“The fire officers were wonderful and went into the house to drill into the wall so we could reach down into the foundations and get hold of Beau,” Daly added.

“Very carefully we were able to pull him up and out of the hole and, thankfully, he wasn’t hurt.We’d like to say a big thank you to Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service for their assistance. We’re always incredibly grateful for any help we receive from them and, in this case, their help ensured we were able to save little Beau.”

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service spokesman, Matthew Brown, said: “As a fire and rescue service, we’re passionate about working together to change and save lives, be they of the two or four legged variety.

“The on-call crew from Royal Wootton Bassett were quick to respond to the call and we’re all really pleased that Beau was rescued quickly and safety, no worse for wear following his little adventure.”

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