We all love our dogs, but are you one of the pet owners who have contributed £1 billion to the economy treating your beloved dog?

According to new research out today from Direct Line Pet Insurance, British dog owners have collectively spent over £1 billion on accessories for their dogs in the past year, spending an average of £76.13 per dog on so-called ‘petcessories’ in the last year.

Young pet owners are the most likely to splash out on cushions, collars and clothes for their beloved pets, with 18-34 year olds spending an average of £83.98 on each dog, compared to over 55’s who spent a little less at £60.26.

For 3.6 million (26 per cent), British dog owners really pamper their pooches, choosing to spend over £100 a year on accessories for their dog. A lucky six per cent of dogs had over £200 spent on them in the last year, perhaps unsurprising when there are businesses dedicated to providing luxury dog beds, with some costing over £700.

Prit Powar, head of Pet Insurance at Direct Line said: “Brits really are a nation of dog lovers, choosing to spend their hard earned cash on making their beloved pooches comfortable. The fact that so many of us are choosing holidays which allow us to keep our pets with us is another indicator of the lengths we’re willing to go to keep our dogs happy.

“Dog owners should remember, though, that they don’t need to spend a fortune on items like clothes, cushions and collars – as long as they provide their dog with a healthy diet, regular fresh water, treatment when needed, exercise and love, they will have a happy dog!”

Separate research conducted between the pet insurer and K9 Magazine, shows British dog owners are also buying their dogs birthday and Christmas presents, the majority spending around £15 (63 per cent). A fifth (20 per cent) spend between £16-£30 on a present for their dog per occasion, while a generous one in twenty (five per cent) spend between £31-£60.

Ryan O’Meara, publisher of K9 Magazine, spoke of the findings saying: “It’s heartening to see that dog owners choose to mark their pet’s special occasions with a gift. Of course, presents aren’t the be all and end all of showing how much you care, but our dogs give so much to us day in and day out that it’s only natural we see them as part of the family, and as such celebrate them.”

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