As part of its Autumn parasite protection initiative, Bayer Animal Health – makers of Advantage and Drontal – has launched ‘Home Invaders’, a national campaign highlighting the parasites that can invade our homes and affect our health., and they want to hear from you!


As part of the campaign Bayer is looking for stories from people who have been affected by toxocariasis, an infection caused by the roundworm parasite. It’s spread from animals to humans via infected dog faeces and can lead to blindness. Children are at risk in particular because they are more likely to come into contact with contaminated soil when they play and put their hands in their mouths.

Comment below leaving your email address hidden behind your username and share your stories. Any pet tales selected by Bayer will receive a £50 John Lewis voucher!

We look forward to reading your stories 🙂

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  1. when I got my now 8 year old Labradoodle boy Luke from a rescue centre at the age of 6month, they told me he have been de-wormed and got flea treatment and all booster injection he needed at this ages. They told me he is in absolute brilliant health and they only let people adopt healthy pets. I noticed straight away that it was not entirely true, because he was very muddy and his coat matt and tangled.But I wanted him out of this rescue centre no matter what.
    When we arrived at home I saw many fleas on him, skin infection and burn marks what looked like from cigarettes.I bathed him with a special shampoo and the next day I took him to the Vet, who confirmed that he was in very bad health due to worms and fleas. At this point I really could cry, knowing he have not been treated at all and suffered a long time. We shaved his coat complete, treated him with proper medication from the Vet and I had to de infest my whole house as well had to extra treat my other Labrador who never had fleas before. 4 weeks with intense treatment, loving care and proper diet my wonderful boy started getting healthy and parasite free. Since he never had any parasites again even her is running into bushes and lakes.I regular give all my dogs Drontal and Stronghold and also clean my house with a special parasite spray every 6 month. Parasites for any animal are awful and a mega health risk and no animal should suffer like my Luke did.Its so easy to give them the right proper anti flea and worming medication regular and don’t cost a lot.

  2. One year, I stayed at a rather, “rural” bed & breakfast pub, as part of a Christmas celebration, with my work colleagues. When I got home, I started itching… then the dogs started itching, then my partner started itching… we “De’flead” the dogs with a drop on their necks & that seemed to have an effect, however we were still itching… eventually, on Christmas eve, we went to the hospital, only to be told that we had SCABIES!….we spent Christmas that year, painting each other head to toe in an emulsion paint type treatment, while the dogs ate their Christmas dinner…Getting Scabies for Christmas wasn’t on the top of my wish list !

  3. we very rarely have fleas in our home and always keep our dogs washed in flea shampoo and have drops.
    we offered to look after our friends cockerpoo last year while they went away- that wasn’t an issue. after a few days I had a rash and was constantly Itching my ankles and legs and the dogs were all scratching which got mine was unusual. my friends dog was always itching and owner said it was allergys. after a few more days I was sat on sofa and a flea jumped right into me! so jumped up and screamed.
    my dogs went straight in the bath and came out clear of fleas so the cockerpoo was next and was covered in fleas. I ended up having to shave all her fur as she was tangled and I couldn’t comb the fleas out and had to get vet treatment for her to kill them all. all dog bedding got thrown away and house sprayed. the dog never stayed again- and never had any more incidents

  4. Some years ago we had a lovely labrador, who must have contracted fleas, (unknown to us at the time).

    She was not allowed on the sofa, but we always knew she had when we were out, due to a lovely warm seat when we returned home!! We sadly lost her of old age, but several months later when we came to replace the sofa, which we had to break up to get through the door, we found a whole army of fleas nesting in there, we were mortified!!!! We always treat the dogs now regularly!!

  5. We’ve never really had fleas in our house but when we went to see a little kitten to buy she was covered in fleas, feeling sorry for her we couldn’t resist getting her. We tried a few spot on treatments, flea collars, flea bombs…nothing seemed to work. After a LOT of research I found advocate, I rang the vets to order some but it had to be prescribed after taking the kitten into the vets and getting the advocate she’s never had them again…she did gain the name skanky though.

  6. My granddaughter as a Pug, he lives in a house that as three cats. I have a golden Labrador,but when Derek the Pug comes to my house, my Labrador Barnie ends up with fleas. Barnie gets flead every month.

  7. Some years ago a friend and I went to Turkey for a holiday and my mother offered to look after my cats. When we got back, with our lovely tanned legs, we walked into my flat only to feel a strange tingling. Looking down our legs were black with fleas, it was horrific! Obviously they had been very hungry for three weeks and we were food! That flat got sprayed from one end to the other and I rushed to my mother’s home to deflea my poor cats who must have been suffering!

  8. My 11 year old has a Manchester terrior and this year he has been eatan up by all of the flees and I have done everything from dawn dishwashing liquid to vinegar to flee pills to dips and on and on and nothing that I do will help at all to get rid of these flees I need help because he is a house dog and my son lives him so very much and please help me thank you so very much.

  9. My cat used to get fleas regularly and we treated him with collars and drops – the drops on the back of his neck made him foam at the mouth terribly. Then we switched him to a complete vegetarian diet and he never had fleas again, when my rescue dog was a pup she got fleas too, but when we switched her diet they never returned (13 years and counting!) and we never have to treat them for fleas now. I have a blog on my website about the nutrition that goes into dog and cat food – they get everything they need and are checked up on at the vets regularly.

  10. One day last spring here in Arizona, my husband and I had flea bites all over our bodies. We recon it’s from the stray cat that we sheltered some days during the winter and has become a regular house guest. Our dog, a tiny chihuahua was also itching and scratching. They were horrible and unbearably uncomfortable itchy flea bites. We couldn’t sleep because of discomfort. After 2 days, I decided to spray the entire house with flea & tick spray, applied flea & tick powder on our carpeting and we stopped letting the cat inside the house. Thankfully those worked so well, I only had to apply them once and the fleas were gone. We just let the cat in our backyard and treated him with flea & tick drops and put on a flea collar, it seems to have worked as well and he is back as our chihuahua’s regular houseguest by the end of summer. 🙂

  11. We live in a small town called Ambrose and unfortunately are house is a drop off point for the poor fur babies , so far we have three drop off fur babies and when we got them each one at different times they were covered in fleas and sores and so skinny but with love and care and the help of our Vet they are now healthy little fur babies that we were picked by chance to get them and I would never regret getting picked by chance of getting them in my family

  12. I have never had a problem with fleas. I had an occasional louse, which can have very serious results to health. My children were experts at spotting them and removing them. They are disgusting and far more dangerous than fleas. I use drops on the back of my dog’s neck regularly to prevent both fleas and lice. I have a healthy dog brought here from Spain, and previously had several crossbreeds, who never needed any vet treatment.

  13. my problem has not been fleas, but ticks, I have contracted Lyme Disease from a tick, I have been on 3 courses of antibiotics and still have problems with body weakness and fatigue!

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