World Animal Day 2014 – How YOU Can Help!

Start the Countdown – World Animal Day is only hours away – join hands with everyone who cares about animals – the animals are worth it!

We might speak different languages, walk different paths, come from different places, but the hearts of those who love and care about animals will always beat as one.

It might be too late to organise a large event, but there are lots of things you can do to help make a difference that will take next to no time to organise.  Whether you choose to skydive 10,000 feet for your furry friends, organise a tea party, or raise awareness about animal welfare issues, every single action will bring us a step closer to achieving our main goal: to improve animal welfare standards worldwide through the support and involvement of individuals, groups and organisations.

During the event, take lots of pictures and tell the world how it went by updating the website information with a short report and lots of fabulous images.  Get the local media involved – let them know your plans.

Or you can celebrate it in your own way and make a World Animal Day pledge.  Why not collect pledges from your friends, family and colleagues, then email us so we can add the pledges to the website Pledge Board –

Why not take the World Animal Day challenge and don’t forget to share your experience on social media (what you did and what it meant to you) in words, pictures or video with the #worldanimalday

Find support and inspiration on the World Animal Day website

Get in touch with one of our Ambassadors – We now have 85 World Animal Day Ambassadors representing 71 countries around the world, all of whom are working hard to raise awareness and increase participation in this special day –

Help make social media BUZZ about this very special day and the amazing activities that are happening around the globe in celebration of the animals.

World Animal Day is a project that goes beyond the name of an organisation, a country or even an animal welfare topic – it’s a global initiative to end animal cruelty.

Don’t miss this special opportunity to help make animal welfare issues front page news around the globe – a vital catalyst for change!  Through increased awareness and education we can help create a new culture of respect and sensitivity, to make this world a fairer place for all living creatures.

Please celebrate the wonderful animals with whom we share this planet by doing something special in honour of World Animal Day, Saturday 4 October 2014.

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