Why do dogs eat grass?

Dogs are one of the animals that eat anything thus you should not be surprised if your Fido has decided to help you with the task of weeding the garden. Dogs have a rather amusing habit of eating grass. Dogs have a reputation for being indiscriminate eaters and eating grass would be much better than eating spoiled food and eating its own or other dog’s poop. Many pet parents, especially those that ensures that the pet received top quality food will be mystified at the dog’s taste for grass. A dog owner would wonder what makes his dog eat grass?

Dogs have descended from wolves and it is believed that wolves have survived in the wild with grass as a part of their diet. Wolves are generally carnivorous as these wild animals subsist by eating their prey but when prey is not available, wolves would supplement their diet with grass. The inclination to eat grass was associated with the dogs survival in the wild that necessitates eating herbivores. These plant eating preys are totally consumed by dogs so that the grasses, leaves and berries ingested by the prey are also eaten by the dog. Dogs in the wild have eventually developed a fondness for grass as these herbaceous plants have supplemented the dogs’ diet.

With the above mentioned fact, a dog’s inclination to eat grass becomes perplexing to the owners. Modern day dogs have no need to supplement their diet with grass as they are regularly provided with food. The dog though would still be seen munching grass as if enjoying the world’s most expensive salad. In spite of the fact that dogs have the reputation of eating anything, the habit of eating grass was explained by dog experts.

One of the considerations made is the nutrient deficiency of commercially prepared dog foods. Dogs have an uncanny ability to know what is wrong with their diet. Eating grass is believed to be the dog’s way correcting a dietary imbalance. Not only do dogs have big appetites, they are not choosy eaters as well.

It is not surprising for dogs to have upset stomachs if they have ingested something that was not accepted by the dog’s system. Nature have given dogs a one of a kind remedy for upset stomach. A dog‘s remedy for an upset stomach is to eat grass. Grass blades are not unlike fingers stuck to the throat to induce vomiting. Grass is an effective bowel cleanser that eradicates parasite infestation.

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