Budget airline Ryanair want to hear from customers about whether dogs should be allowed to fly on board as part of the airline’s “Always Getting Better” initiative which acts on customer feedback.

Speaking to The Huffington Post UK a representative of the airline said, “This is one of a number of proposals we are looking at under our Always Getting Better programme. “We are open to lots of suggestions and it’s one we are weighing up.”

airplane photo
Photo Credit: thejaan

Comment below with a Yes or No vote on whether you think dogs should be allowed to travel on board Ryanair and have your say. Feel free to include any notes, such as flight length etc and we’ll share your views with the airline.

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  1. This is a difficult subject, travelling can be a stressful time for any animal, if they can reassure owners that their pet is safe and in a controlled and hopefully a relaxed environment, then yes, maybe dogs should be allowed to board flights, it might help those who have anxieties about flying too, having an animal around.

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