British comedian and animal advocate Ricky Gervais has shown his support for many animal welfare campaigns and openly admitted his fans and followers on social media make a real difference sharing his posts, but all the same it’s heartening to read that after a trip to the Emmy’s two social media posts from the man himself have resulted in treble the amount of funds raised to help feed the forgotten and starving animals at the Odai shelter in Romania.

The fundraising page was set up by K-9 Angels who were alerted of the neglected dogs in the Odai shelter in Romania last week and immediately got to work to raise funds for food, beds, bowls and medical care to help support Paws2rescue on the ground in Romania. It was an amazing team effort and within days a good amount of money raised.

Ricky Gervais showed his support over social media and shared the K-9 Angels plea to help the dogs of the Odai shelter crisis and his actions dramatically increased the amount of funds raised to help the Odai dogs.

The Tweet and Facebook post from Ricky Gervais said:

“OK. That’s The Emmys done. Now back to important stuff. Emergency food & aid for dogs at Odai public shelter,… pls RT”

The tweet received over 600 retweets and took the funds raised from £3,000 to £14,500 which was incredible. Within days the donations had trebled and Ricky, along with the donors, had literally helped to feed 650 dogs. These dogs will need ongoing food sent and as well as sanitiser, beds and medical care.

K-9 Angels aim to raise a minimum of £30k to purchase food and medical supplies and beds for a whole year.

As this was a crisis we had to move fast to make sure the first food packages where delivered, said Victoria Eisermann, founder of K-9 Angels, who flew out to Romania to help deliver emergency supplies purchased with the money raised with Ricky Gervais’s help while team K-9 got to work ordering additional supplies. It was all systems go to help the dogs of Odai.

It was emotional but at the same time uplifting to be able to deliver food to the Odai dogs. Orders have been made for sanitise and beds which will be delivered very soon. Victoria says, “We will continue to raise funds to be able to feed the dogs for a year and hopefully treat some of the dogs medically.”

Speaking of the power of social media and the cause a spokesperson for K9-Angels said: “A very HUGE THANK YOU to EVERYONE who donated and raised funds to help the Odai dogs and special thanks to Ricky Gervais for sharing our posts which was a MASSIVE help to these dogs! Amazing team work!”

To help give the dogs of Odai a better future, show your support and donate to the cause. Visit the fundraising page here:

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