New Research Reveals Some Bizarre British Dog Owner Habits

Do nearly 1m British dog owners take a shower with their dogs? Did you know that 27% of dog owners admit to letting their pet lick their plate after they’re finished with it? Or that 33% of owners leave the TV or radio on for their dog when they are left alone?

The findings come from a study carried out by Mira Showers and reveal that British dog owners have some ‘interesting’ habits!

Top level findings include:

From letting them lick their face to even bathing their dog at the same time as they have a bath, the research reveals more habits of dog owners across the nation (including some eyebrow-raising special privileges):

British dog owner habits

Habit/Special Treatment % of dog owners who admit to doing this
Regularly giving them treats 61%
Letting them on the sofa 57%
Speaking to them in funny, unusual or high-pitched voices 46%
Letting them on their bed 44%
Feeding them human food 42%
Getting up earlier than they would if they didn’t have a dog to feed them and walk them 38%
Kissing them goodbye or goodnight 36%
Letting them lick their hands 35%
Leaving music, radio or the TV on for them when they’re alone 33%
Massaging them 33%
Confiding in them or telling them personal things 29%
Leaving the heating on for them if it’s cold 28%
Letting them lick their face 27%
Letting them lick their plate or cup after they’ve finished with it 27%
Letting them in their bed 25%
Taking time off work to look after their dog if they’re poorly 18%
Kissing them on the lips 12%
Letting their dog eat at the dinner table with them 6%
Showering their dog at the same time as they have a shower 6%
Bathing their dog at the same time as they have a bath 4%

Women love to spoil their dogs

It’s the women among dog owners who spoil their dogs the most with all the above, though more men than women said they’d let their dogs eat dinner at the table with them.

When it comes to the most spoilt breeds, the likes of Cockapoos (and other Poodle crosses), Lurchers and mixed breeds take the lead, over-indexing on 15 of the above special privileges. Close behind are dogs in the Hound Group, meaning breeds such as BeaglesDachshundsGreyhoundsWhippets and Rhodesian Ridgebacks are allowed to eat dinner at the table with their owners, plus get showered or bathed at the same time as their owners more than any other breed group.

Which cities love to treat their dogs the most?

Owners in Belfast and Nottingham come out on top with treating their dog to these things; both cities pamper their pet with at least five of these special privileges more than any other UK city.

Dog owners in Leeds let their dog on their bed more than anywhere else (53%), while owners in Plymouth dramatically over-index on showering with their dog at the same time (15%).

Matt Herbert-Sandell, Digital Communications Manager at Mira Showers, said:

“Nationwide, our survey found that an estimated 822,000 dog owners shower with their dog; talk about multitasking! A dual shower is a perfect solution for dog owners who need some extra flexibility and multitasking power to help them groom their dogs at home.

The fixed rainfall shower head gives the owners a fantastic showering experience for themselves, while the handheld shower head is ideal for manoeuvring around a mucky pup!

Our survey also found that 2 in 5 owners wish they knew more hacks to make showering their dogs at home much easier, so we enlisted experts to help.”

The best way to groom dogs at home

Animal charity, Wood Green, and professional grooming experts at Purplebone, offer these at-home grooming tips:

Mira Showers monitored six Instagram image hashtags relevant to dogs being groomed at home (including #puppybath, #dogbath, #muckypup, #puppybathtime, #dogbathtime and #doginshower) and assigned them to a panel of dog lovers to identify Instagram’s cutest bath-time dogs, some of which are shown above. Permission to publish these photos beyond embedding them has been granted by the Instagram account holders.

    1. Harvey, Shetland Sheepdog, (Dorset, UK)
    2. Chai, Toy Poodle,  (London, UK)
    3. Mabel, Cavapoo, (Essex, UK)
    4. Pacho, Italian Greyhound, (Manchester, UK)
    5. Winnie, Miniature Goldendoodle, (North Carolina, USA)
    6. Picasso, Dachshund, (Bangkok, Thailand)
    7. Button, Sheepadoodle, (Michigan, USA)
    8. Maggie, Cocker Spaniel, (Northampton, UK)
    9. Coconut, King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, (Singapore)
    10. Penny, Miniature Goldendoodle,
    11. Mortimer, Scottish Deerhound, (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
    12. Tormi, Jack Russell, (Estonia)

Related: The top dog ownership trends you need to know about this year

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