Meet the Dog Owner Who Found Out About Importance of Preventative Care for Her Pets

Veterinary care can get very expensive and more and more often, pet owners are cutting corners on preventive treatments to try and save money. This, however, can do more harm than good for your pets and tends to lead to more problems (and expense!) down the line.

An article from the PDSA, published on Pet Gazette, has recently revealed that millions of pets are at risk of serious diseases due to not being vaccinated. As a stat, this is very worrying as a lot of poorly pets could be in a much better position if they had been given preventative care.

The Healthy Pet Club is a pet loyalty scheme aimed at helping customers save money on preventative care for their pets. From just £9.99 a month, they offer free vaccinations (and many other benefits) to make sure your much loved pets don’t lose their lives to these horrible diseases, when prevention is so easy.

Read all about how the Healthy Pet Club has helped two Springer Spaniels stay happy and healthy below:

Dolly is an eight year old English Springer Spaniel, both her and her brother Dave, also a Springer, belong to Lynda Dunn and her husband, Roger. They have had Dolly since she was a puppy, but unfortunately in 2011 she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Treating this involved regular injections of Cartrophen along with Cosequin tablets, which would have cost the Dunns a fortune had they not been members of the Healthy Pet Club. They have not only saved money on Dolly’s injections and daily medication, but they have also had the benefit of making further savings on her routine treatment, check-ups and vaccinations including Kennel Cough.

Dave was rehomed with Mr and Mrs Dunn when he was approximately 4 years old. About 6 weeks after he joined the family, he started to show signs of not being well and he lost a quarter of his body weight. Luckily, Dave had been signed up to the Healthy Pet Club as soon as he was adopted. This was a good thing too as he was eventually diagnosed by their vet with whipworm and successfully treated.

Lynda explained: “We are now obviously very concerned about the risk of reinfection, and the peace of mind we gain from knowing that we are saving on regular flea and worming treatment and check-ups is priceless. Unfortunately, he has also been diagnosed with osteoarthritis so our medications will be increasing as a result.

“Being a member of the Healthy Pet Club is so worthwhile, especially if you have a dog or cat with a chronic condition that needs regular medication.

“Knowing that we are saving on the various treatments and check-ups gives us peace of mind. I can’t even begin to estimate how much we have saved, but needless to say, it’s a lot!”

To find out more about the Healthy Pet Club, visit:

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