This week we received a communication from the Justice for Gizmo, Alfie & Finn team. Their appeal, below, outlines some truly shocking allegations against a trainer and kennel owner. At the end of this statement is a PDF you can download which contains further information on allegations levelled against Lawrence Moran of Total Dogs Ltd. Be warned, this document contains upsetting images.

Justice for Gizmo, Alfie & Finn: Statement

As part of the ongoing campaign to get justice for the dogs killed, lost and injured while under the care of Lawrence Moran at Total Dogs Ltd, there will be another protest taking place at his property.


In August 2015 Gizmo, a male Shih Tzu who was staying at Total Dogs Ltd was reported missing by Moran but after a month long search it was discovered that Gizmo was actually mauled to death and was never missing. Moran had tried to cover up his death by disposing of his body and concocting a story that he had ran away. Also in August, Finn a healthy 3 year old Chihuahua allegedly died of a heart attack whilst staying with Moran at his boarding kennels. Finn’s body has never been recovered. In March 2014 Alfie, a male Yorkshire Terrier was staying with Moran when he told his owner’s that he had ran away. Alfie has never been seen again and Moran has since admitted to his death but will not disclose how he died or say where his body is. Since the plight of these 3 dogs has come to light there have now been over 30 reported cases of neglect or abuse suffered to dogs at the hands of Lawrence Moran.  Please find attached a list of allegations. This list is still ongoing with people coming forward to share their stories every week.

Lawrence Moran is clearly a danger to any animal in his care, the evidence against him and the lies he has told are overwhelming. We want answers, what really happened to Gizmo, Alife and Finn and where are their bodies!? Why are the council still letting Lawrence Moran board dogs at his property!?

He does not have a dog boarding licence and there have been ongoing planning concerns for his boarding facilities at his current property, yet he is still trading!

We would urge the council to act immediately so that no more dogs suffer at hands of Lawrence Moran.

We have set up an online petition calling for the RSPCA to ban Lawrence Moran from owning and working with animals, this has now reached over 15,731 signatures.

We have also set up a Facebook page calling for Justice for Alife, Gizmo and Finn, the three dogs who went into Lawrence Moran’s care and sadly never returned to their owners.

If you require any further information please reply to this email address.

Please note that the full names and contact details of the owners will be available upon request.

Please help us to get justice and prevent any more dogs from suffering.

Many Thanks,
Justice for Gizmo, Alfie and Finn

Download Allegations List (warning: contains upsetting images)

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1 comment
  1. what is wrong with these council people and politicians.
    why are they afraid to prosecute bad people?

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