As often as we’re asked how long do you feed a dog puppy food, it’s quite remarkable how many people are genuinely worried about moving their puppy to adult food either too soon or too late.
You should feed a puppy on puppy food while they’re younger than 12-months, but the transition process can start earlier.
Your dog is a puppy for as long as you want them to be. Nobody is going to tell you different. But in the interests of answering this specific question of how long do you feed a dog puppy food the appropriate time to stop feeding puppy specific food is no later than 12-months old.
Because in purely simplistic terms, at 12-months old your puppy is technically an adult.
Let’s break down the puppy to adult dog process.
As you can see, puppy growth stages can seem like a flash before our eyes.
Puppy development – the baby to the teenager to the adult dog
Puppy (young)
Adorable. Surprisingly obedient. Love to be around you. Often bolder than you’d expect. Sleeps a lot.
Puppy (16 weeks)
Personality developing. More cautious about certain scenarios. A little more mischievous. Willing to explore more. Sleeps a lot.
Puppy (6 months)
A little less obedient. High energy. Sleeps far less. More interested in food. More demanding and in pursuit of mental stimulation.
Puppy (6 months to 12 months)
Personality shining through like a beacon. Sometimes obedient, sometimes wilfully challenges instructions that you know for certain the pup understands.
Physically very active, but prone to exhausting themselves quickly in short bursts.
At 12-months old your dog’s needs are different, particularly their nutritional requirements.
Summary: How long do you feed a dog puppy food
With all this info in mind, it’s important to recognise the different energy levels of an young adult dog vs the different calorie needs of a growing puppy.
Puppy foods are designed specifically to help them grow.
Adult dog foods are designed to help an adult maintain and thrive.
If you’d like to learn more about the dog growth stages, from puppy to adult – download this free eBook
Free Book (useful for all dog owners)
If you’d like to learn more about dog growth stages, from puppy to adult – download this free eBook
Learn Your Dog’s REAL Age
Many people think they know their dog’s true age. But they’re wrong. Find out how old your dog REALLY is:
Remember the pet food you give to your puppy should be based on various factors.
Nowadays there are foods for large breeds, toy breeds and various breed specific foods.
Always feed your puppy with the highest quality food you can afford. You never get the chance to have that vital first 12 months of your dog’s development back again.
Switch from puppy food to adult dog food at or before 12-months old
A puppy’s mother s milk helps them develop for the first weeks of their lives, after that it’s entirely down to us!
High quality dog food isn’t always the most expensive dog food (do research for reviews)
At 12- months of age your puppy is technically an adult dog
Puppies grow fast. Really fast.
Your puppy may reach maturity (physically) many years earlier than they reach maturity mentally
Feed your dog based on their age, breed type and lifestyle at all times – factoring whether they’re a small, medium or large breed
Keep a close eye on body condition throughout your dog’s life
Develop a strong relationship with your vet. Yes, vet bills can be expensive – but the more often your vet sees your dog, the better they’ll get to know them. If your vet sees your dog for regular checkups, your vet bills will be lower in the long run
Dog nutrition experts views on when to switch from puppy to adult dog food
Both small and medium breed puppies are considered adult at about one year of age, so your dog’s birthday indicates when to switch from puppy food.
In terms of a puppy’s diet, puppy food generally contains more protein content than adult dog food in order to sustain this new growth at a faster rate.
Why transition from puppy food to adult dog food? When your puppy is growing, he needs more nutrients and calories than an adult dog, which is why puppy foods have higher levels of protein and fat to support growth, as well as nutrients like DHA, an omega fatty acid found in mother’s milk.
When should I switch from puppy food to adult dog food? Once puppies have reached 90% of their expected adult weight, they should switch from a growth diet to one that’s suitable for maintenance.
If you have a large breed dog, talk to your vet first, as they may recommend keeping them on their puppy food a few months longer to ensure they get the proper calories to grow to their full adult form.
Making the transition from puppy to adult food at an appropriate time is important because there is a major shift in regards to the caloric needs and nutrition requirements of your puppy as she approaches maturity.
When Should You Make the Switch? There are a number of “rules†out there regarding when to make the switch from puppy food to adult dog food, and recommendations vary depending on your dog’s breed size.
Rich puppy food can quickly lead to excessive weight gain for adult dogs, so the transition is important.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Puppies of any size or shape are just about guaranteed to be adorable.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Nutrition / Pet Diet Tips.
Since obesity is the most common nutrition-based issue for canines, it’s crucial adult dogs no longer eat puppy food, which can also cause orthopedic problems in older dogs.
Spaying or neutering usually occurs at this age as well, lowering your dog’s need for increased energy; hence a reason to switch from puppy to adult dog food.
The transition from puppy food to adult food is an important time in your dog’s life.
When it’s time to stop feeding puppy food, you want to transition to adult dog food gradually.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Nutrition & Feeding.
Puppy food should also be higher in calories than adult food to compensate for the energy puppies expend by growing and playing.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Compare Breeds Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side.
Puppy food is very high in calories and nutritional supplements so you want to switch to adult food once your puppy begins to approach maturity.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Unfortunately, there’s no set answer for when to stop feeding puppy food.
As a general rule, dogs that are less than one year of age are considered puppies, and it is important during that year that they are being fed puppy formula pet food.
Our experts can help you determine when it’s time to make the switch from puppy food to adult dog food.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food When to Switch to Adult Dog Food.
If your dog starts skipping meals or picking at food he would otherwise devour, it might mean he’s ready to switch from a puppy to an adult diet.
When making the switch to adult food, do it slowly over the course of one to two weeks by gradually mixing in increasing amounts of the adult food with decreasing amounts of her puppy food to minimize gastric upset.
So, the main difference between puppy food and adult food is in the protein and fat content, as well as the calorie density.
But if you have a puppy nearing one year of age, do you know when to switch to adult dog food? A veterinarian is always a good resource.
Mix a small amount of the adult food with your dog’s favorite puppy formula and slowly increase the amount over a week, while decreasing the puppy food.
After deciding it is time to switch your puppy to adult dog food, it’s time to consider how you will go about it.
In order to fuel your puppy’s healthy growth and development, you need to make sure that his nutritional needs are being met and the best way to do that is with a high-quality puppy food .
Continuing to feed puppy food past the point of maturity could result in weight gain, which can lead to other health problems.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Your request has been blocked by one or more security restrictions.
switching from puppy food to adult food, how long do you feed a dog puppy food Your request has been blocked by one or more security restrictions.
But how do you know when to switch to an adult recipe and how do you make the transition? Unless you understand the difference between puppy food and adult dog food , you may not see why it is necessary to make the switch at all.
You should switch to an adult dog food when your puppy is anywhere from 18 months to 24 months old.
When switching from puppy food to adult food , you should make the switch gradually over a period of a few days.