This year’s top 10 unluckiest dog names have been announced and yes, you guessed it – dogs named Poppy, Charlie and Alfie are all likely to be more unlucky than dogs named, say, Ben, Albert or Cassie.

Compared to cats, where more males are likely to be unlucky vs females, it’s far more evenly split for dogs with 5 of the top 10 list being girl names and the other 5 being boys, however according to the Co-op Insurance, who released their pet insurance claims data highlighting unlucky pet names, owners of cross-breeds are far more likely to claim on their insurance for their pet when in need.

Top 10 Unluckiest Names for Dogs

1. Charlie
2. Alfie
3. Bella
4. Max
5. Ruby
6. Molly
7. Rosie
8. Oscar (luckier for dogs than it is for cats, as it’s the number 1 unluckiest name for cats)
9. Bailey
10. Poppy

If you own a dog named Charlie, you should know that digestive system disorders are the most claimed for illness for dogs of this name, followed by skin conditions and neurological disorders, such as seizures, head tilt, tremors and even blindness.

David Hampson, Head of Pet Insurance at the Co-op, said: “Any pet can come with its fair share of misfortune, landing you with an unexpected trip to the vets or causing mischief around the house, however based on our claims data Charlie and Oscar certainly aren’t the luckiest names you can give your pet.

“Regardless of the name of your pet, making sure you have a pet insurance policy in place to cover these eventualities can be the best way to protect them and avoid unwanted vet’s bills, or ongoing treatments for life.”

This article is based on research from Co-op Insurance


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