Dog Aggression Toward Other Dogs

In the video above you get the chance to sit in on a dog training consultation as well as observe some hands on, specific techniques used in rehabilitating a dog with aggression toward other dogs.

Dog on dog aggression is a serious problem.

Responsible, sensible owners understand and recognise this and they try to seek the help of experts in order to do something about it.

It’s widely accepted by most modern dog trainers that the most effective way to solve dog aggression toward other dogs is by way of positive reinforcement techniques.

Again, in the video this is stressed and emphasised.

What The Experts Say About Dog on Dog Aggression

Genetics, early socialization or the lack of exposure during the critical period of social development, and traumatic experiences, shape how your dog interacts with other dogs. Play between dogs should be a 2-way street. They should take turns chasing each other–neither dog being a bully or a target.

Dog/dog aggression can be a dangerous problem for you, your dog, other dogs, and anyone who tries to break up a dog fight.

Behavior modification techniques that include: desensitization, behavior adjustment therapy (BAT), functional rewards, Feisty Fido and clicker training will help you and your pup have a safe and happy summer together.

Source: Victoria Stilwell’s Positively website:

Effective home management: teaching the dog to allow the humans in the household to make the right decisions for him. If it is not happening in the home, it certainly is not going to happen in the real world, especially if the dog considers it a “dangerous” environment. Foundation behaviors are taught via clicker training, so that after the dog learns to think in the environment, he might perform the desired behaviors. Foundation behaviors include: sit, down, heel, stay, targeting, holding an object, kennel up on audible cue, come and sit front, leave it, come when called, and get behind.

Create a “thinking” dog: I am convinced that when Ben saw another dog, he reacted involuntarily. Once in this cycle, he could not stop, even when my husband picked him up off of a dog and brought him into another room. Ben still kept reacting as if nothing had changed. In order for a dog to look at his owner for direction, he needs to be able to make that deliberate decision to do so. He needs to be able to think in that environment.

Source: Karen Pryor (clicker training expert)

Aggression itself is usually defined by canine behaviorists as “the intent to do harm”. Many dogs show “displays of aggression” such as barking, growling, or snapping in the air, which are considered distance-increasing actions, those that intend to get the person or dog to move away from the dog. Some dog-aggressive dogs display aggression that is mainly defensive, and they harm another dog only if they perceive that they have no option. Yet, other dogs may develop dog-aggressive behaviour due to medical reasons, such as hormonal imbalances.

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