Welsh Corgi does its bit for causing cuteness overload in the human brain.

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  1. Hey guys, if you like cute puppies and lots of laughs, come check out my chanel, I’ll make you laugh and I’ll make you say “n’aaaawww”

  2. Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich, is the common name for Germany when it was a totalitarian state ruled by Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). On 30 January 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, quickly eliminating all opposition to rule as sole leader. The state idolized Hitler as its Führer (“leader”), centralizing all power in his hands.

  3. Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich, is the common name for Germany when it was a totalitarian state ruled by Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). On 30 January 1933 Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, quickly eliminating all opposition to rule as sole leader. The state idolized Hitler as its Führer (“leader”), centralizing all power in his hands.

  4. this arsehole..ME..its not a welsh corgi..its bred in china to sell to europeans..the ones that dont sell..are skinned,chopped up and put in the cooking pot or wok..nothing goes to waste..i must say corgi pup is quite tasty..so is puppy stir fry..and kitty stir fry..but the best of all is horse…yummy in my tummy…..lully

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