The Importance of Portion Control & Dog’s Food

K9 Magazine addresses a really important issue – obese dogs = shorter…

Can Dog Food Expire? (Best Before Dates & Dog Food)

A recent article posted on The Consumerist website brings up a very…

Feeding Older Dogs

Feeding older dogs doesn’t have to mean drastic changes. Obesity is possibly…

Are Carbs Making Your Dog Fat?

There is a significant difference between humans and dogs in their need…

Small Breed Dog Food

Small Breed Dog Food – Is A Specialist Diet For Small Breeds…

Why Is My Dog Being Sick?

My dog has started vomitting and I’m worried. What should I do?…

Is My Puppy Too Thin?

As a responsible pet owner, you need to be aware of your…

Dog Obesity Warning: Overweight Dogs Die Young

Fat pets will die young warns PDSA as it launches biggest ever…

BARF Diet For Dogs

‘Natural approach to feeding can improve behaviour according to some experts’ Raw…

Vets Cast Doubt On Natural Dog Food

While natural food is a rising trend among humans, pet owners should…

Proper Dog Nutrition Defined

Here at Dog Nutrition, we often receive enquiries from people who are…

Almost Half Of British Dogs To Receive Special Christmas Meal

Christmas is a time the whole family gets together, a time to…

Fasting For Dogs

Q) I have read about the trend for some dog owners to…

Feeding Human Food To Dogs

Could feeding dogs table scraps and other human food be harmful? You…

Food Intolerance In Dogs

Food intolerance in dogs is an often overlooked factor in a wide…