A cat has injured two people and a dog sending one person and the dog to hospital after ambushing seven Pit Bulls in Victoria, British Columbia.

According to The Vancouver Sun, the cat named Baby suddenly came out of the bushes attacking the group as they walked by.

Kyla Grover, who was with the walking group called Pit Bulls of Victoria B.C, told the newspaper “The dogs were walking by, completely minding their own business. The cat just goes at all of the dogs, not backing down”. She said the cat swiped at them all and even latched onto one of the dog’s faces.

Photo Credit: Facebook.com/Javiera Catalina Rodriguez

The seven Pit Bulls and Pit Bull crosses were all walking on leads and according to Ms Grover didn’t know how to react, only barking after the attack began.

Ms Grover, who was bitten and scratched during the attack, and one of the dogs, Bandida, received injuries so severe that they needed medical assistance. The dog’s owner, Javiera Rodriguez, also received injuries to her hand. She said she was thankful her dog didn’t lose an eye and the cat specifically went after her dog.

Speaking with Victoria Buzz, Ms Rodriguez confirmed her dog is on the mend but says not 100% back to her normal self yet.

Ms Rodriguez tried to report the incident only to be told there is no cat bylaw in the district of Saanich in British Colombia.

A firm opposer of breed specific legislation she told the news outlet, “My concern is what if that cat attacks again? What if it was my “pit bull” that would’ve attacked that cat, or even worst what if my dog would’ve killed that cat to defend herself? Of course Saanich would be at my door deeming my dog dangerous and possibly putting her down.”

The owners of the cat confirm the incident took place with Mrs Thompson who was present and tending her garden at the time (although didn’t intervene, according to witnesses) says she is ‘mystified’ by the public interest, while her husband has confirmed he and his wife have paid Bandida’s veterinary bill of $222 and is quoted in the local newspaper saying “the sight of all the dogs would have been intimidating for his cat. She’s a watchdog and doesn’t know it. Cats and dogs don’t get along too well sometimes.”

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