how often should I feed my dog

Have you noticed that your canine has been limping or is slow moving or is not his active self lately? You probably already know that your pet may have arthritis. Often arthritis is associated with aging, however, aging is not a disease. Arthritis is a disease that affects all ages.

Here is a list of seven dog problems which may indicate canine arthritis:

  1. Moving up and down stairways appears to be difficult.
  2. Rising from a lying down or sitting position is a struggle.
  3. There is difficulty in jumping from the floor to a higher surface or from the higher surface to the floor.
  4. Pet indicates pain or discomfort when walking, strutting, or running.
  5. Sometimes your pet indicates that he does not want to walk or refuses to walk.
  6. Your pet may have a limp or an abnormal gait.l
  7. There is an attitude change of dog pain by yelping or snapping.

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints which causes a very uncomfortable or painful existence. Dogs with arthritis have symptoms similar to human beings. If you have arthritis you will be able to relate to the canine symptoms that your pet is experiencing.

Human beings may be diagnosed with rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. I am told that rheumatoid is the more serious. But there are over a hundred different types of arthritis. The most common form that humans complain about is ostearthritis and you may be surprised to discover that it is usually the diagnosis our dogs also receive.

The causes of arthritis in dogs can be from a birth defect e.g. hip dysplasia, traumatic injury or complications after orthopedic surgery. Puppies or young dogs may have had a failure of bone growth and development.

There is not one dog treatment that will be used but a variety that may be considered:

  1. Place your dog on a reduction diet if overweigh; an easy home remedy.
  2. Correct any traumatic injury that has occurred to the joints.
  3. Design a suitable exercise program.
  4. Give herbal dog supplements or anti-inflammatory dog medications.
  5. Consider acupuncture as an alternative treatment.

Visit your dog vet to get your observations confirmed. Your vet will need a medical history; he or she will perform an examination of your pet. X-rays will be taken and blood will be drawn for blood work analysis.

The recommended dog supplements and dog medications will help to reduce symptoms and slow the progress of the disease. Unfortunately, and I am sure you know, there is no cure for arthritis for either human beings or dogs.

If you are curious and would like to know how to take care of your pet visit Tricia Deed at for natural remedies for cats and dogs of canine symptoms of arthritis, one of many dog problems.

Through the years I have learned to be a jack-of-all-trades and maybe mastered one. Because my interests are many, diversity has been the road most traveled. Currently, my hobby is learning and combining these interests with my business of internet marketing.


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