Bentley 8 weeks old Bentley the Bulldog Puppy is Fussy pt. 2 Add us on twitter: Facebook:

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  1. BENTLEY DIED 2 DAYS AGO…The owners of Bentley uploaded a vlog explaining the cause of death pertaining to the cute pooch.It was parvo and intestinal parasites that were passed through it’s mother.Get your pets vaccinated!R-I-P BENTLEY.

  2. R-I-P BENTLEY,you will be greatly missed by all of your fans.REST IN PEACE little pup,sorry that you died so young:-(

  3. What if God was real? What if His Eden was real? What if some average person who was using Google Earth one day just happen to find something incredible concerning both of God and Eden? What if it where stories made out of watermarks? What if they were joined together telling God’s story? What if they showed His Image?
    Please come see what I Found.
    I’m begging you with all my heart and soul to come see what I Found. It concerns each and everyone of you. Please please come see.

  4. R.I.P BENTLEY.Maybe the next puppy those guys get will be vaccinated in time.Sorry you had to die,R.I.P BENTLEY,poor thing.

  5. Just to be clear, my comment was not meant as a threat.  I let the creep’s disgusting comment about the adorable puppy get the best of me.

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