As dog lovers, we must all, surely, feel a massive twang of pity and regret when we think of those puppies who have been bred for profit by breeders who are interested only in how to produce maximum volume of ‘stock’ with scant regard for the welfare, health or temperament of the animals they churn out month by month, year by year.

Puppy farms (or, as they are known outside of the UK – puppy mills) are alive kicking.

But how? Buy why?

Let’s see if we can find out…

I believe the media has been very generous to the people who, it could easily be argued, are REALLY responsible for the growth in puppy farms.

Puppy farmers aren’t the ONLY ones to blame for misery

The people I speak of are those who willingly dig in to their pockets and get their wallets out, to hand over cash to the cynical puppies- for-profits breeders – aka puppy farmers – who couldn’t care less about the fundamental principles of breeding good, healthy, well balanced dogs.

The puppy farmer only exists because people keep giving them money.

In all the coverage given to the puppy farming debate, have we missed the most obvious of points? That if people simply stopped fuelling this trade, we might actually get somewhere?

Don’t get me wrong, I have a huge moral and ethical objection to the people who trade in the suffering and misery of mass produced dogs. We can’t legitimately call ourselves a nation of animal lovers whilst we allow this to happen.

But, the fact is, these puppy farms would be a thing of the past if:

1) People refused to buy puppies from pet stores (and yes, I include the celebrities who buy from famous department stores in that – no GOOD breeder will EVER allow their stock to be ‘retailed’ in a pet store.)

2) People educated themselves on how to acquire a new dog, responsibly, rather than rushing out to buy a puppy from the first litter they see advertised in the free classified ads newspapers or websites.

Seriously, if those two things happened – the puppy farmer is left with no business. No trade. No customers. No money. No motivation to keep producing puppies.

Let’s think about it for a second; if people didn’t purchase from puppy farms and from pet shops, there’d be none.

So why do people do it?

Some of them are misguided, misinformed. OK, I accept that. But even so, in this year, in this day in age with ALL of the wealth of information that exists about how to obtain a dog responsibly, is it REALLY a valid excuse any more? I mean, really?

And for everyone who accidentally, unintentionally winds up putting money in to the pocket of puppy farmers, there’s certainly more folk who do it and who couldn’t really care less either way.

Whilst it is an ongoing disgrace that puppy farms are allowed to thrive and prosper in a country where laws, legislation and enforcement of such establishments have never really been properly crafted to a point where they have been forced out of business, whilst the demand exists – the puppy farmer will thrive.

If puppy farming is to be defeated, the first point of action needs to be in changing the attitude and behaviour of the people who are putting their money in to keep the puppy farms in business – that’s puppy buyers!

Look at this way; if there was ZERO demand for cocaine, would the governments of the world even need to make laws and spend BILLIONS on trying to combat traffickers around the globe? Of course not!

Zero demand for a product or service means the supplier is automatically redundant. They become extinct. It’s the laws of economics, supply and demand.

And let’s establish one thing, for the record, puppies are NOTHING like cocaine. So our failure to combat puppy farmers is interlinked, exclusively, with our failure to convince enough people of the right and wrong ways to acquire a dog ethically and responsibly. There is no chemical ‘high’ to be gained by buying a puppy from a puppy farmer.

How can we change this? How do we push for a culture change?

It’s going to be hard and I feel it’s going to take something big. But I am 100% convinced that even if we were to bring in laws that would legislate against puppy farms, if there is still a 10 or 20% demand from the same sort of people who acquiring their dogs from puppy farmers today, the laws themselves won’t be enough.

The media who carry adverts for puppy farmers, they are guilty as sin.

There are some big name, very profitable media businesses out there profiting from the misery of dogs. Whether they knowingly take adverts from puppy farmers or not, whether the fact that puppy farming in and of itself is NOT illegal (a disgrace in itself), surely there has to be an ethical, honest way to deny puppy farmers the oxygen of publicity? If people and businesses aren’t prepared to step up, how do we ever expect the public to understand that

  1. Just because a litter of puppies is advertised in a ‘legitimate’ publication, it doesn’t mean the puppy has been bred responsibly
  2. Just because a litter of puppies is for sale in a pet shop with a licence, it doesn’t mean the puppy has been bred responsibly
  3. Just because a litter of puppies has been bred by a ‘licenced breeder’ it doesn’t mean the puppy has been bred responsibly

If we really want to tackle the blight of puppy farming, puppies produced in dank, squalid conditions with profit as the only motive, then we – all of us honest, caring dog owners – need to speak up, speak out and repeat the following mantra:

“If you buy from a puppy farm, you’re as guilty as the puppy farmer. If you don’t have the knowledge to avoid a puppy farmed dog, then you’re not yet ready to own a dog.”

What more do we need to do to, once and for all, put an end to the misery of puppies bred for profits?

Have your say below!

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  2. What do you have to say?
    I do agree that people should not be buying from puppy farm.
    I do know that some misled people think that if a puppy is from a licenced breeder then that is OK. There needs to be a lot more publicity about puppy farms and educating the public that buying a puppy from one of these places will cost more money and heartbreak in the long run. I hate tosay it but there are of ignorant poeple out there and not every one is as intelligent as the writer of this article and the facts need to be spelled out in plain black and white and publicised in more obvious areas.

  3. These breeders would also not have a market if the Kennel Club did not promote certain breeds as special
    ie best of breed, best of show.
    these events generate interest in that breed from buyers and breeders just fill the gap in the market. supply and demand.

    Let us stop all dog shows unless they are open to all breeds, cross breeds, mongrels etc. give real dogs a chance not just the inbred ones.

      1. Agree with Ryan that anyone buying from a puppy mill is just as bad as the celeb who starts a designer special accessorie pet. Furthermore the companies responsible for promoting tea cup sized dogs which will be next years bored toy are also to blame. When I had my first dog I bought a book on the breed and how to care for a puppy even though we had had a family dog my parents took care of. This led to Animal Behaviour and my future in Nursing etc.Unless we educate our children or ourselves,stop backyard breeding,and Crufts shows which are full of obnoxious precotious people whoses dogs are not always that well behaved, then life will still be bad for these poor puppies who DO SUFFER and who everyong turns a blind eye to when they dig in their pockets!

  4. yes i have to say we would be to blame encouraging this, but till now i had not given it any thought. peoples first thought is just to buy a Puppy, but yes this must be stopped.

  5. If the RSPCA had more powers to close these down and publish the atrocities it would help. I agree with everything printed and as long as people purchase pets from these horrendous places ,even in sympathy for the animal they will flourish.
    I would never purchase a pet from these establishments as they usually are ill and weak and have many problems, been incorrectly fed or weaned to soon and many die after purchase and no recompense. with all the publicity given people should be aware of these places yet they still manage to profit.
    A rescued dog or if a specific breed is desired, surely it is safer and better to see the home environment and parents and get advice from the breeder if needed! Let us stamp out these puppy farms and save a lot of suffering and heartache for the pets and buyers too.

    1. I bought from a breeder and have had about £7,000 worth of vets bills due to bad breeding perhaps. The breeder will not reply to emails despite being so very helpfull in thhe first place. I don’t want any compensation just think they should stop breeding if this is inherent.
      I hope the spelling is ok as I can’t see what I’m typing as the box is so tiny and won’t expand.
      I do not approve of puppy farms and think there should be more powers in place to shut them down.

  6. Hear, hear!
    About time some one came out with this. I belong to a breed club and it has been doing its bit to try to educate people and move them away from using puppy farmers (too nice a phrase for them).

    Unfortunately, this will only catch those looking for certain breeds on the internet, it won’t help any casual browsers of the newspapers or unethical media mentioned above.

    If you want more information see

  7. I am in complete agreeement. The places that are happy to sell these puppies, then the people who don’t research into where they are buying their pup from are partly responsible.

    I occasionally visit places that sell these pups, normally just to try and prevent anyone from buying them, and although I feel sorry for the dogs on display i would NEVER purchase one. It only adds to the puppy farmers pockets and allows him to produce yet more puppies.

    people should stop and think what they are doing before making a rash purchase….the biggest problem with todays society is’… I want it NOW.’

  8. I, too agree with what was said.
    It is bad on the mother dog to have so many puppies, that would be like a woman having a baby every nine month. It weakens the mother, until she can do for the others what she should do.

  9. I would never buy a puppy from someone I dont trust, and it might sound awful, but I would not buy for pity. I am a breeder myself and I dont sell my puppies to just anyone who brings the cash. My puppies are registered, dewormed, checked by vet and microchipped. With every puppy comes along a certificate of these actions.

    My future puppy owners can come to my home and visit the litter before they make the decision whether they buy from me or not.


  10. I agree with the majority of the article however things are not that simple. Do not get me wrong, these farms and anything or anyone that has involvment should be kept in the same conditions. I spent 6 months finding what I considered the best place to get my dog, he is a lab, I travelled over 100 miles even though there were numerous available via the local papers. When I arrived at the address it was a huge place and the pups seemed happy as were the parents, the point I am trying to make is how can I be 100% sure that this was not a farm? I was not allowed to look around!! The fact is, I am happy in the knowledge that my dog is safe, well looked after and totally adored by all the family.

    I was of the impression that it was against the law to be cruel to animals, if so why is nothing being done? Anyone with a brain would agree that keeping puppies in these places is cruel and has to stop.

    The sad fact is, if there is money to be made these people will make it. This includes the media for allowing the adverts, the people buying as all they see is possibly a cheaper deal and of course the government.

    I just hope I am not actually one of thoe folk that has bought from one of these places. I certainly did not get a cheap deal.

  11. These farms are run to make a profit – pure and simple. It’s a business for the owners, so they will cut back on their costs to enable them to make as much profit as possible. It is not about the dogs – they are just a commodity.
    True dog lovers – like many of their customers, I’m guessing – will always put the welfare and needs of the dog first above everything else.
    I think there should be much more control over all types of breeders, we’re all aware that there are some unscrupulous private breeders who also put profit before the needs of the dogs. It breaks my heart that people can be so cruel, but as long as they’re allowed to get away with it, they’ll continue their behaviour. Maybe legislation should be introduced to ensure that ALL breeders are monitored and measured against guidelines which have been set up in the best interest of the dog? I’d prefer if it we could sentence these breeders to live in the conditions they subject these poor dogs to, but I guess that’s never gonna happen.

  12. It’s not just the puppies that suffer either. My sister rescued a bitch from a puppy farm in Wales. She had been deemed as past the point of being a decent puppy bearer at the age of three!. She was completely malnourished, and had problems with her womb and teats, and she had had no proper physical contact, did not bark, or respond to touch, but shrank back. She was exhausted both physically and mentally, and had been made to have a litter every season.
    My sister spent so much time with her she eventually grew more confident and followed my sister around everywhere, but never mastered the stairs, and was always carried up and down them, About a year after they had her, she was with my dog, I cannot say playing because she just did not know how to, but she suddenly barked at my dog. We all just cried, as it was she had finally woken up. She continued to make little barking noises and ended up running up and down the garden with him. It was magical. My sister kept her until she became ill and developed tumours in her womb, the vet thought it was because she had not been looked after properly when she was continually bearing puppies. She died in my sisters arms, and will never be forgotten.

  13. About 30 years ago I got my first (personal) puppy from the newspaper, he was delivered to me from Wales, a Border Collie, she lived a long happy health life, I was lucky, I don’t think she came from a puppy farm, probably working lines. Other dogs after that were rescue dogs then 12 years ago after a break of 10 years I got another Border Collie again out of the newspaper. I was horrified at what I saw and how I was spoken to when asking questions about the litter and parents (who weren’t there) I should have walked away but bought a puppy out of pity, I’m grateful I did as I learned so much about puppy farmers, Chester died aged 13 months from epilepsy and had hip dysplacia from the age of 5 months. From then I have campaigned and brought to light I hope to many pet owners the horrors of puppy farms. I now have 6 dogs and in all the years of owning dogs have only bred two litters, parents and progeny are tested for inherited diseases etc, puppy owners vetted and pups registrations endorsed I am there for the lifetime of the puppy and their owners with friendship and advice. I wish there was a way puppy farms could be abolished. To read Chester’s story and the horrors of puppy farms see my website

  14. What do you have to say? In total agreement with putting an end to this dispicable practice for making money. I have seen the end results of overbred bitches who end up in rescue centres in a terrible condition and countless unwanted pups who are dumped when homes cannot be found. Puppy farming is a money making racket and its about time legal action should be implemented to stop the unscrupulous and immoral from carrying on with this type of business. I feel more advertising should be done to highlight the negative side to puppy farming and to inform people more about the inhumane way puppies are being raised on these farms. People should be educated about animal welfare and encouraged to visit rescue shelters when considering a dog/puppy. There are rehoming centres throughout UK and Ireland with fabulous animals for adoption, and chances are that you will know as much, maybe more about the background of your puppy from these organisations than you would from any unscrupulous breeder.

  15. As a group who has been demonstrating outside of a pet shop every Saturday (rain or shine) for close to four years we believe the problem is multi-faceted. There’s no doubt that by raising awareness in the community about where pet shop puppies comes from there has some impact however it doesn’t help that the pet shops actually tell consumers that “their puppies come from ‘licensed’ breeders and NOT puppy mills.” As we all know, a license does not a reputable breeder make.

    Likewise and living in close proximity to Lancaster, Pennsylvania (known as the puppy mill capital of the east in the US) many of the commercial breeders don’t tell consumers the truth about where their puppy comes from nor allows them to see where the breeder dogs are actually living.

    Between a breeding industry that’s cloaked in secrecy and consumers who DO NOT consider companion animal ownership to be a responsibility, a double whammy is created and ultimately allows dogs to be treated as inanimate and disposable objects. Without a doubt, the breeding industry relies on these behaviors in an endeavor to continue operating their highly profitable businesses.

    Those with a conscience know to rescue or adopt but our shelters still remain overflowing with dogs who will be euthanized due to the lack of a home.

    Until such time that companion animals are raised to a protected level that’s entitles them to better care and security than that of a lawnmower or curling iron, abuses will continue. In Pennsylvania, animal abusers are given a slap on the wrist and there is little to no ramification for cruelty, neglect or abuse.

    Collectively, and at least in the US, lawmakers and the advocacy community must work toward better protecting “man’s best friend” via way of laws that are actually enforced and carry penalties that can not be ignored.

    Give Hope to the Mill Dogs
    North Penn Puppy Mill Watch
    Visit Us Online:

  16. Totally agree. The problem is nowadays everyone wants it now and the internet is a quick way of getting a puppy. I foster dogs for a rescue and we have a lot of puppy farmed dogs come in and its pitiful. There is enough stuff out there now, people should be aware of puppy farming and be more careful but they dont bother. If they close down puppy farms more will open. A lot of the time neighbours of puppyfarmers dont even know they are there so its easy for them to continue. People need to take their time and wait for a pup. Maybe we wouldnt have so many thrown out for weeing and chewing after a couple of months if people thought about what they were doing.

  17. I agree that puppy farming is monstrous and everything possible should be done to stop it – and that includes encouraging people to buy responsibly. I imagine there is a lot of ignorance though. I am constantly amazed at how little care, SOME people take over buying and looking after their dog and how little understanding they have of dogs altogether. I love dogs and am very aware of people living near me who don’t bother to exercise their dogs or only do on fine days. I think we could with some TV documentaries to raise these issues. The number of dogs being dumped at the present time because of the credit crunch is also a great concern.

  18. I agree with almost all that is written already–Now I would love some ideas on good ways to educate the public about resposible ways to get a new puppy/dog?? We can all sit here and sy “YES, we need to end puppy mills” Now please give me some ideas on HOW to do it!

  19. I agree with the above, but I don’t think these types of places will ever disappear….as with the above example of the drug trade, as long as there is paper to be made people will use these things to get it.

    So I think what we need to look at is a way to make these types of places less profitable…

    They should never be allowed to advertise on any form of media, for example in the paper, Craig list, websites. but to stop this fines would need to be introduced to the people / Companies who allow these types of places to advertise this type of product.

    There should be standards that are in place for people who want to bread dogs….I don’t know if there is already, but these should be enforced and people/ companies that do not comply should be fined and made to improve their standards or face closure

    Also you never hear or see any -ve press about puppy’ farms. I have never seen anything on the news about them nor have I came across any publications in any nation wide paper. Education is the key here…majority of people who are looking to get a dog are dog lovers and would rather buy or get their puppy from a place that has invested time and money to make sure it has the best chance in life. So if people are aware of how bad these types of places are then they would be inclined to look else were

  20. What do you have to say?
    It is not just the puppy farms that need to be stopped, but also the pet breeders who decide to have a litter from their dogs not knowing what they are doing. They VERY RARELY have any health checks done and consequently members of the public need educating. I suggest going to to a breed club for information on a specific breed if you are interested. That way if there were any rescue dogs available poeple could be prompted to try and take these. The Kennel club is trying to regulate health screening in breeding but it is so much down to the individual. Ignorance play a bit part in those dogs being bred by people who do not know what they are doing. Please do not point the finger at the show fraternity unless you have experience of this. I show 2 dogs and have 2 other rescues. I operate completely voluntarily to 2 different breed rescues and I know that in our breeds only healthy animals are ever bred, the show fraternity in our breed go to great lengths to ensure incorrect breeding doesnt take place or they are named and shamed openly. How many people buy from puppy farms with sick animals and just ignore it, why the hell dont they contact RSPCA or breed clubs and tell them. Make it public, if we all shamed these people continually they wouldnt last long in their trade. Instead of slagging off the Kennel Club lets join forces with a plan to getting the press involved in showing these dreadful people up in public.

  21. i think it is a terribe thing its cruel its just a money makeing sceem i am total agains it and i think people who unknowingly go to these places should report them straight away.
    the people who do these things are worse than animals ,animals have far more respect.
    all my pets are rescued and i will always have rescued animals they are part of my family and they deserve to be treated with love and kindness.

  22. When I was a kid I used to look at the puppies in the pet shops. They always looked so sad. I was only window-shopping as we had cats at home.

    After leaving home I decided it was time for me to get a dog because I lived out in the country by myself. A dear friend of mine lived down the road from me who had dogs and horses. I had asked her about getting a dog of my own. I always looked at the board at the vets office to see if there were ever any puppies available. I did a lot of research. I made a lot of phone calls. If the breeder didn’t answer my questions or hesitated, then that was that.

    The pet store owners need to stop buying puppies. They should never sell them in the first place as it is not fair on the puppies. There are plenty of places to get a puppy or dog if people would just put in the time and effort to find the right people. Local vets can point you in the right direction. There are plenty of welfare rescue centers that have dogs and puppies for adoption. Talk to your friends and see where they got theirs from.

    I used to breed German Shepherds when I lived in the States. I lived on a four acre mini farm. All my dogs were well cared for and loved. I did place ads in the paper. That doesn’t mean that I sold a pup to anyone that came along. I asked a lot of questions and I watched them with the pups. If the bitch was weary of the person, then they went home without a pup. I screened the people. I was always in contact with the AKC especially when I was looking for a stud for my bitches.

    I think seminars in schools would be a great way to educate kids and their parents on how and where to buy puppies from. There are times when local kennel clubs give talks.

    Make running a puppy farm a felony, don’t just slap a fine on them. Send them to jail. These dogs and puppies are suffering a horrific life just because of greed. They need to be shut down.

  23. Well, just last Friday when I was a park, I saw a badly neglected and abandoned Shihtzu that had a growth on its head wandering around aimlessly.

    Have taken her to my Fifi’s regular vet and had the growth succesfully removed on Monday but was told by the Doctor that due to long time neglection, the poor dog has vision impairment whereby she does not see clearly.

    This poor dog was most probably from a puppy farm by looking at her badly neglected condition especially her eyes as the Doctor said it would have taken 2 -3 years to reach the current stage that she is in.

    I was hoping to find her a new home instead of sending it RSPCA but it looks like no takers due to her condition despite the Doctor has said that she is a sweet girl with good temparament.

    Since no one is keen on her,, she will be coming home with me this Friday and I will name her Cici.

    Puppy Farm should be stopped – No Demand, No Supply!

  24. I alos brought my dog Storm from a puppy farm but at the time I deidnt know it was a pup farm!!
    I had many problema with my dog which led me to question the one who sold him to me! I also asked around some of my trainers at the dog club I attended which led to lots of people talking and questioning the so called rescue centre!!
    Well the centre got such bad press after that the owner moved and changed the name of ther place but started again!!
    I found out that she had done this before and nothing had been done by the police at all about it!!
    Still now this woman and her puppy farm still carry on selling dogs which are bred in Ireland and shipped here in a transit van full of at least 25 dogs!!
    My dog was very lucky to choose me but others were not so lucky!

  25. I do agree that puppy mills (like it is called here in Canada) are disgusting. If people don’t buy these puppies, the puppy mills will have to close. Here, in Quebec, we fight to make those puppy mills close. I sure hope to see that one day. Those poor little creatures and their mothers live in unbearable conditions. The people who do that should go to prison! Hope one day the people who buy those puppies will understand!

  26. I am in complete agreement with the article, the reason puppy farms keep going is because people are unbelievably still willing to buy them. There is alarge company local to me that sell puppyfarm pups on large scale. I went to have a look and was shocked at how many people were there looking to buy them. None of them seemed concerned at the fact there was no mothers there and didn’t seem to be questioning where the puppies had come from. The fact is they were transported hundreds of miles in a lorry and when they arrived if any don’t look well they are sent back to what is I can guess a gruesome fate. The puppies are saw there were not in the best health which you could see just by looking at them which again nobodythere seemed concerned about and some looked fartoo young to be away from the mother. I justfind it ridiculous that this place can be open when it is obvious where the pups have come from. It also has pictures up of celebrities that have bought puppies from them – setting a good example?! I do think it should be illegal and more should be done to prevent it in this dayand age.

  27. Solving the puppy farm problem sounds as likely as solving societies drug problem. We need to modify behavior and thinking not pass more laws we can’t enforce.

    It is also very naive to suggest that responsible breeders are not making money by selling puppies. Some responsible breeders want way too much for puppies.

  28. I think the government should have more control over these places, regular checks etc and a set standard like they do with restaraunts, if not up to standard they should close them down.. It should not be so easy to just go and buy a pup. People should also consider rescuing a dog as centres are overflowing. I personally think all these places should be closed.

  29. I totally agree! Wake up World to this disgusting way of people making money!

    The so called Government should close them down or at least Tax them at an higher rate to make it not worth while being in business!!!

  30. I agree there is no sale without a buyer.Even if you believe your doing a kindness, in the long run your just building up more heartache for others following your example or misery for a huge proportion of these dogs bred by any unscrupulous breeders
    Our laws do not dole out severe enough punishments because lots of law makers see dogs as dispensible.
    However its been proved in many a criminal case that most people with a scant or cruel regard to animals often treat human beings in a similar way.
    Unfortuately there are too many gullible or ill educated people only too willing to buy these dogs.
    In our world the need to have something ,wipes common sense clean out of the window for some people.
    We, the purchasers are the reason it still goes on,and because people dont always think ,it probaly ,sadly always will.

  31. I agree with this article. The people who support puppy mills are just as much to blame as those who run them. I find it difficult to believe that some people today still do not know about the problem, but maybe we still need to work on education.

  32. What do you have to say? I think anyone running a puppy farm should be heavily fined and closed down I found out that in Wales puppy farming started off for extra income when milk production was not profitable anymore. My Cocker Spaniel Misty spent the first 6 years of her life as a breeding bitch kept in terrible conditions with no human or dog company no fresh air and a really bad diet. When we got her she was nearly bald as all her hair had to be shaved off due its matted condition,she has heart problems and teeth taken out due to her bad diet,so her puppies must have some serious problems and seeing as she probably had at least two litters a year probably more there must be a lot of them out there. When she first arrived she would spend all her time just staring into space in the garden as she could believe she was actually outside she didnt know how to be a dog as she had never learnt real dog behaviour ,but 18 months down the line with lots of love and hard work she is a different little dog she loves her walks and playing with her ball and is the most loving little dog ever so please any one thinking of owning a puppy please go to a reputable breeder who looks after their breeding dogs properly in keeping with the profits they make from these dogs

  33. I think you are being unfair to many people who would not knowingly buy from puppy farms and rely on information they get from supposedly reliable sources. I refer here to the Kennel Clubs Accredited Breeder Scheme which counts among its scheme members a number of puppy farmers.

    Who could blame someone looking for their first dog if they went to the KC and sought information then relied on that information in selecting the breeder from whom they would make their purchase?

  34. Until the government passes a bill to legislate both the breeding/selling and the ownership of dogs there will always be the possibility of people operating these places. And yes I think the people who buy from them are just as bad. As is obvious if they had no market they would soon be in decline and out of business.

  35. it is not just commercial breeders that need stopping (and I agree with everything said so far) but there are many ‘small scale’ operations out to breed their bitches purely for profit in appalling conditions (I live round the corner from such a person, she has now, due to RSPCA intervention, had all of her animals taken away). Said ‘breeders’ do not vet potential homes and do not care where their puppies are going as long as it is profitable. All breeding should be licenced – if your dog is having pups it should be registered and monitored and there should be a hefty fine for anyone flouting the rules. If your animals are well cared for then you should have nothing to fear from being checked out should you??

  36. I am totally against puppy farms and dogs bred this way for profit.

    Most of my dogs have been bitches, who were not spayed and when in season never encountered another dog, so in all of my 45 years as a dog owner I have never had a bitch who has had puppies.
    For one thing dogs have large litters and I could never have been able to have been parted from a puppy and there was no way I could have afforded to keep a litter.

    My dogs have come mainly from rescue.
    My latest Poppy, now nine months old was found wandering at just four months-I don’t know any of her background–what she is, where she came from, what her parents were like etc–but she is our baby, and now after her first season will be spayed, as I now recognise the health benefits this brings to a bitch, after suffering the heartache of having bitches who needed this in old age when their wombs deteriorated.

    So to inflict constant breeding on a bitch is just so cruel and unnecessary–all these breeders want is money, and are not animal lovers.

    I urge everyone who wants a dog to find a rescue dog–why keep breefing when so many beautiful and healthy animals are put down daily, because bought on a whim and then not wanted when they grow up and are no longer sweet adrable puppies.

    A dog is for life, and when that life comes to an end we loose not only a pet, but our best friend, companion and member of our closest family.

    No to indescriminitive breeding for profit!

  37. In my view it is unethical for a kennel club to keep a registry AND run a show – like Crufts for example. We all know where that has led. Kennel Clubs advertising breeders on their websites should be obliged to list only breeders who’ve past annual inspection by the SPCA.
    Breeders should have to display their license, current vaccination certificates and be obliged to allow buyers to inspect the premises and their animals.
    Pet shops should not be allowed to sell animals.
    SPCA, animal shelters and rescue organisations should have programmes to visit schools to educate children on the horrors of puppy milling, including how to spot a puppy farm. This serves the dual purpose of getting to kids when they are impressionable and they will in turn educate Mum & Dad, and this also raises awareness of the animals in shelters available for adoption.
    A licence renewal fee should cover the cost plus of an inspector’s visit. They will soon provide the staff when the costs are covered plus profit and if breeders can’t afford to pay they can’t afford to breed.
    Unlicensed operators should be hit hard.

  38. Media coverage has definitely slanted toward blaming only those who run the puppy mills. Here in the States, though, animal rights groups are all over the fact that puppy mills will only stay in business as long as it is profitable. More than one national group (and, I’m sure, many local groups) work to educate the public on this issue. More than one pet store has closed due to pressure from the public. More than one puppy mill as been put out of business through the tireless efforts of these groups.

    To be fair, those buying from a puppy mill don’t generally have bad intentions. They are often either uneducated about the conditions in which these dogs are bred, born, and raised or attempting to rescue the puppies.

    The desire to rescue these dogs is most certainly admirable. As a dog lover, it is definitely a dilemma: purchase from a puppy mill or pet store or shun the mills and stores in order to put them out of business. That sounds like an easy choice. But look more closely.

    Most dog lovers see it a little differently: rescue a mistreated, possibly abused, sweet little pup… or… abandon that same mistreated, possibly abused, sweet little pup to a life of who knows what in order to keep their dollars from encouraging puppy mills.

    1. I just reread my post: please do not misunderstand. I am absolutely, positively, 100% against puppy mills. I have never and will never purchase a dog from such a place. I adopted my little furkid from the shelter and I loudly and emphatically encourage others to do the same!

  39. my sister & husband have 2 westies that were rescued by a charity that rescues older dogs from puppy farms that is in Wales they have had them 3 years now but they have many medical issues that were caused by breeding and what they were fed,their coat was yellow instead of white stained by lying in their urine.they have a good life now but they still have problems but are seen by the vet regular and its cost them a small fortune even they are inssured but the wouldn’d be without them.I agree that if people did not buy puppies from puppie farms they would goe out of business

  40. Unfortunately people do not seem to realize just how bad the conditions are for the dogs….articles are all over the place regarding this matter, but obviously the potention petowners are not comprehending the extremely poor practices of these farms. I believe actual video exposure makes it more believable…sort of a shock treatment. Personally the videos I’ve seen brings me to tears. Video footage requires no text “Seeing Is Believing”

  41. I have a dog who was a stud in a puppy mill. At the age of 2, he was put to use in a Quebec puppy mill, and for 4 years was confined to a crate, only coming out for breeding purposes. He had been beaten with a stick and kicked.
    He is now a happy dog who is becoming a great obedience dog. He is the cat’s best buddy and a good companion to my other 2 dogs.

    Here is my solution: It is illegal for pet stores to sell dogs or cats. They can offer dogs that are in shelters for adoption, but NEVER sell dogs.

    There needs to be federal/national laws that prohibit the breeding of more than 2 breeds per breeder/address.

    There has to be a law that requires anyone wanting to breed to register. If anyone sells puppies and haven’t registered, they are fined $100,000.00

    Breeders have to take responsibility for the owners they chose. If a dog is sold to someone, and they either don’t train it, or train it to be a biting aggressive dog, then both the owner and the breeder are to be held legally responsible.

    When I am ready to breed, I am going to sell my dogs for $1,000 more than anyone else, and when the owner comes back to me with an obedience title or an agility title, or any other title, they get their thousand dollars back.

    People should be required to get a permit to have a dog; this should not cost much, but it will serve as a record of someone looking for a dog. A breeder cannot sell to someone who doesn’t have this permit. My dogs came from a breeder who would not sell to me until she saw where they would live, and what I planned to do with them. This is a good breeder.

    The National/federal governments don’t want to get involved, but they need to consult with breeders of all kinds, animal welfare people and the public at large and come up with something that is fair that PROTECTS THE DOG AND PUTS THE RESPONSIBILITY ON THE OWNER AND BREEDER.

    I don’t believe in mixed breed dogs; If everyone had to pay over $1000 for a dog, they might take more care. Training should be mandatory, just like inoculations are.

    Dogs are great for your health, but not everyone should have one. They are just like children; they need the basics of food, water, shelter, affection, but they also need education and medical care.

    If there are unfit parents, then there are unfit owners, and it shouldn’t take setting fire to the animal or having 100 dogs in a small apartment to trigger an investigation.

    My dogs are spoiled, but they work for it. They have obedience titles, did well in agility, and are loved by all who meet them.

  42. its not just the farms that need closing but also some “breeders” you only need to look on doggy websites it is full of ex breeding bitches and suds needing a new home due to “no longer needed by breeder” these dogs have no social skills never been walked on a lead, overweight, terrified by human touch and most are no older than 5. I

  43. Well here in Canada this problems is still very much an issue. I did however get a dog from a puppy mill (farm) I did not contribute to the mill! I did however report them to the OSPCA and they were shut down a heavily charged and did not start up again. The puppy lived a GRAND life and passed a few years ago at the age of 15. The framers are not the only ones that need to be targeted here but the buyers of these dogs be them retailers,brokers or the actual owners. Once found guilty of owning or posessing an animal that was found to come from a farm or mill a large fine and community service needs to implememnted. Work in the humane society would be a good start. Maybe registering the breeders and retailers that sell the puppies is start. WE just need to start somewhere!
    Fines and banning the farmer from owning an animal is another place to start.
    I could go on for some time but I think I have got my point accross.

  44. its a disgrace that these are getting away with this abuse as are the kennel club who encourage these breeds that are so messed with for “breed standard” they are disfigured with heart breaking side effects and the rsca are only interested in their bank account its not about animal welfare anymore, they have lost their way, too many fat cats sat counting their money.

  45. I purchased my puppy 4 years ago from a reputable breeder. I think Hollywood and many famouse stars are to blame for the rise in so many pure bred puppies and farms springing up. Each time you see someone in the paper, theyre holding a cute little dog in their arms or have a one on the leash near them.Rarely do you see a mutt. Dogs have become nothing more than status symbols to so many.Only to be left off or neglected when the next fad comes along. Sadly they wind up like last years hemlines. People do not realize that dogs become valuable part of peoples families or at least should be!I try to tell every one to stay away from puppy mills and farms. Seems its been getting worse and worse each year. I do support the spca in my local area and hope you all do as well.

  46. What do you have to say? Firstly let’s give them a better name, a farm is too nice a connotation and a mill is where flour is produced. These places produce Battery Puppies.

    I agree with the article, no buyers equates to nothing to sell. Rearing a litter of pups is a huge responsibilty, not a job. It should be outlawed to sell dogs from any pet shops. Placing adds in the paper next to the tumble dryer adds also makes me uncomfortable, any reputable breeder would baulk at such a thing.

    Creating new legislation is just more beauracracy – try enforcing the existing ones better – rspca spot checks (giving inspectors more power, for this at least). And what about the licences. I saw footage recently of a battery farm in wales who continued to be licenced by the council – who agreed to that!

    There is a common misconception from the public that when they see such a poor little rascal, they are saving it – not when money has changed hands – hide it under your jumper and make a run for it – that’s another story.

    There may well be a lack of education with regard to the general public but I have also experienced an active ignorance. When advising friends of possible inherited diseases and what to look out for when getting their puppy. The reaction was that of fear that amounted to putting their fingers in their ears and singing – forging on ahead regardless. It’s not enough to say that they fell in love with the puppy and money is no object. A short life going through one operation after another – where’s the quality.

    Don’t get me started on breed specs, shows and celebs!

  47. Cruelty and abuse are illegal in virtually all jurisdictions. This whole “puppy mill” thing is a construct of the radical animal rights, anti pet movement. The intent is to vilify and eventually outlaw all animal breeding. The fact that a breeder makes a profit does not in itself make them irresponsible. People who devote their lives to the betterment of their chosen breed deserve to be compensated as well as any other serious professional.

    This does not excuse those few who do produce inferior dogs through cruel or abusive practices. Existing laws should be enforced and public awareness should be heightened We should not however suggest that anyone who hopes to make a living in the field of animal husbandry is some kind of sadistic criminal. To do so plays into the hands of those who would deny us all the right to own any animal. .

    1. You can NOT be serious! This article does not talk about responsible breeders who “devote their lives to the betterment of their chosen breed.” (although I have my own thoughts on that). And if you think there are only “a few who do produce inferior dogs through cruel or abusive practices” – think again! I dare say that there are more irresponsible breeders than there are responsible ones. Or maybe it’s just because they produce mass quantities. And before you say anything – I’m very far from the “radical animal rights”, I’m not a vegetarian, I wish every household could own a pet (or two). I’ve been in rescue for almost 10 years now and I have first hand witnessed the horrors of a puppy mill when I volunteered to care for the 400 dogs that were taken from a”backyard” breeders home and couldn’t be adopted out, because they were “evidence” in the court case. Just because “cruelty and abuse are illegal” doesn’t mean that irresponsible people won’t do it. The key is education – and it needs to start with you!

  48. It really depends. If you were an inexperienced first time potential puppy owner, might you fall for an advertisement such as this?

    Many are, and there are many broken hearts as a result. SHAME ON S. BEDS COUNCILl AND TRADING STANDARDS for allowing this to continue!!!! SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!! It has been going on for too many years. You know what this is. DO SOMETHING!

  49. Having lived in the west of Wales for many years I have seen the trade in puppies and it is truely shocking – these money grabbing, miserable individuals produce hundreds of pup each year on hill farms in terrible conditions. I agree with the article – people want pedigree pups but do not want to pay the premium prices – so they get the ‘designer’ dog for a knock down price. Britain used to proudly describe itself as a nation of animal lovers, who are we kidding, shame on us for allowing this to continue. I agree with Fran animals should never be advertised in this way and every time an ad appears in the paper which appear to me to be suspect I report it, please do the same.

  50. I agree with Ryan O’Meara’s opinion piece in its entirety…as far as it goes. He gently mentions Pet Stores and Department Stores that sell puppies, originating from “not good Breeders” and ” big name media businesses” profiting from the misery of dogs. I have no doubts whatsoever that there is truth in both of these statements but one answer to the question posed at the end of Ryan’s piece, viz. “What more do we need to do to, once and for all, put an end to the misery of puppies bred for profits?”, could well be that Total Dog Magazine should start the ball rolling by periodically publishing a list of the known “offending” organisations and then let public opinion carry it further forward.

  51. I agree with this premise. Many people see those adorable puppies in pet stores and think that is the only way to get a dog. Too many don’t realize how many dogs are available to be adopted and how many rescue organizations exist with perfectly wonderful dogs. I can personally attest to the fact that an individual breeder is not necessarily responsible. Our last dog, whom I inherited from my daughter, was born with a congenital heart defect that eventually led to his death at age 2. Since this was hereditary the breeder’s motive was pure profit. The public needs to be better educated about the ease and joys of adoptions. If that were done perhaps we could put puppy mills out of business as pet stores wouldn’t be selling their puppies anymore.

  52. I totally agree with Sue and Fran (posted 15 April).
    First let me tell you a short story – a young couple came into my salon with a CROSSBREED, they had just paid £500-00 for this dog but said they could not afford to take it to the vet to have it fully checked over This CROSSBREED had been given a rather grand name, it was still a CROSSBREED. Three weeks later I was told by the father of the young lady that the puppy had died, it was very weak when I saw it and I advised them to take it to the vet – did they – I don’t know.
    The general public needs to be shocked, but not by a documentary as so few potential dog owners will watch them, the goverment need to produce a few short sharp advertisments, its a better way to get to the general public.
    When I moved to South Wales before my business became full time I volunteered as the local rescue centre, this centre takes in ex breeding bitches and stud dogs, the bitches have usually been over bred out by the age of three. The last time I was at the centre the van arrived with the dogs in and when I put my hand into the cage I could not feel fur, all I could feel was slim and excrement and when I had removed this poor westie from the cage the the fleas where all over her, this dog came from puppy farm – I don’t know where she ended up but hell would have been an improvement on the start of her life. Show these facts to the puppy buying public that come as far as the Severn Bridge to pick up the new dog,
    The rescue centres know where the puppy farms are but unless they want the dogs “that have passed the sell buy date” to be spade (hit over the head with a spade) they keep mum and rescue these poor creatures and give them new homes.
    On a main road in South Wales there is a sign that always says puppys for sale, the only thing that changes is the breed or breeds that are avaliable – is this responsible breeding NO money making!!!!

  53. I agree with the article. Supply and demand is in action.

    I doubt there are many people who don’t know of the existence of rescue centers for dogs. The only reason these are not used is SNOBBERY. I chatted to a man in the park about our dogs only yesterday who had been admiring my dog until I told him she was a rescue dog. She is still the same dog that seconds before he was raving about! He said that he got a pedigree because “he wanted to know what he was getting.”

    Incidentally my dog is a Lurcher, yes a CROSSBREED shock horror (albeit often a deliberate cross rather than acccidental mating.) She has many rosettes she has won at fun dog shows and we are stopped daily by people admiring her looks and temperament.

    Not all resuce dogs are crossbreeds some are pure breed with/out papers. Sadly paying more money for a dog doesn’t mean it will be well treated. Look at all the celebrities who treat dogs as accessories to be disposed of like last seasons clothes bags etc. A lady who also uses that park has a Bichon Frise (sp?) with papers that at age 4 months is on it’s fourth owner. How sad is that. That pup is a joy, friendly to people and dogs alike but it was v active and was not house trained. These were “reasons” for it going into a rescue centre. It’s a pup for heavans sake they are ment to be active and need to be taught toiletting. What had the original owners expected???
    They should get a stuffed toy not a real dog.

    Plus what the man above” would get” could well be a host of health problems caused by inter breeding pedigree dogs. Muts are lovely, they have individual looks, personality and lack the health issues. They aren’t all badly behaved, in fact they are so forgiving of humans and amasingly trusting after what they have been through.

    The most compelling reason to get a rescue dog rather than go to a puppy farm is that every year thousands of healthy dogs are destroyed because there are not enough homes for them all. My own adorable dog was just minutes away from this when she was rescued by a wonderful woman who I can not thank enough. To want a dog you should be a dog lover. As a dog lover how can you want more (pedegree) dogs to be bred when it means less homes for rescue dogs = more put to sleep.

    I hope this makes sence as I get v emotional about this subject.

    1. So he’d rather by from a puppy mill because he want’s to “know what he’s getting”? That’s exactly the problem – they don’t. A lot of time you know more about a rescue dog than from a puppy mill dog!

  54. Puppy Mills / Puppy Farming are possibly one of the most disgusting creations on earth!!! And furthermore so little is done to stop them. WE had a huge controversy last year in South Africa, when a Puppy Mill was reported to a local independent Radio Station, who went in under-cover and showed South Africans through their blog the disgusting, terrifying, cruel in-humane conditions these dogs were being kept under. A very well know TV Presenter then furthered our cause and more extreme footage was shown.
    The owner was arrested, let out on bail of R10 000.00 and promptly skipped the country. There were over 350 dogs / puppies of all breeds in this pigsty ( and I can tell you that Pigs would not have lived under those conditions), among them 15 Pugs – I run Pug Rescue in the Limpopo Province of South Africa and have 6 pugs (all rescued) and I foster up to another 6 – 10 until I can re-home them and once I am satisfied, have them adopted.
    When this story hit, I immediately organised a “Dog Day Afternoon” with a High Tea in the small village I live in. I raised R6 700.00 which was sent to Pug Rescue in Johannesburg as they had taken all 15 of the pugs from this puppy farm.
    The good news is, all 15 of those pugs were re-homed and seeing the pictures of ‘before and after’ still brings tears to me. Tears of joy that they are loved, warm and fed, but also Tears of anger when I think of the extreme conditions they went through and survived.
    Yes I my opinion Puppy Farming SHOULD BE BANNED!!
    Regards and pug hugs

  55. Puppy farms should be closed down, the puppy farmer should be charged with the crime of cruelty and sent to prison. However, the RSPCA do not do enough to strip these horrible people of their money making from the misery of the poor dogs.The dogs on a puppy farm are kept in terrible conditions, I have seen such a farm and was sickened. I phoned the RSPCA, they went to see the puppy farm and just told the woman to cut back on the dogs and clean up the kennels. That was all, what then is the use of the RSPCA when they don’t close down these places?

    I agree with the article, if people want a pedigree they should go to small breeders who breed for the love of the breed and to keep a puppy for themselves.

  56. i think it is a real shame that people are willing to buy from these sorts of places, but also you do have the thought that maybe there doing it to take the puppy away and give it a better home, there are a lot of moral issues to this and i have to say that i am not one to judge people who use these places i dont know what reason they have and i can understand the feeling of wanting to take the puppy away from a place like this, but really it is a catch 22 if you but your helping sustain the farm if you dont you a overwhelming guilt, i have no opinion on this but i would not buy from one of these places myself.

  57. After my mother-in-law passed away dad decided he would like to give a home to an adult dog. He ended up with the sweetest Yorkshire Terrier imaginable. She had been used for breeding purposes and the conditions were terrible (he told us). Unfortunately soon after that dad passed away and we looked after “Tammy”. She learned to bark whilst with us and was the loveliest of dogs with such a friendly personality. However, feeding all the puppies had taken their toll and she had lots of lumps and bumps. She ended up with a total mammary strip after a long operation at the vets and a big cost to us. Ofcourse we were happy to pay it and she ended up living a long (and I hope happy) life with us, passing away 4 years ago. We think she was about 15 but we aren’t sure. it isn’t only the puppies we need to be concerned about!

  58. Katrina – I don’t believe that any of the previous commentators were only concerned with the puppies – the breeding stock are kept in appauling conditions we all know that, but without common sense purchasing of pets – it will never stop – whilst people want pedigree puppies at a knock down price it will never be halted.
    All of us should stand up and be counted. Anyone who genuinely believes that animal rights are a secondary concern is a fool and should check our the meaning of the word humanity – I am hopeful one day, we can again be recognised as a nation of true animal lovers and hold our head high as being the first nation to wipe out puppy farming and the indescriminate breeding of all domestic animals for gain.

  59. Nobody should buy a dog from a breeder, farm of otherwise. There’s to many dogs in rescue homes who need good loving family homes. I don’t buy into this “designer” dog culture at all. people wanting dogs because such and such has got one etc…shameful

  60. I’m afraid that there are more “Bad” pet owners than “Good” Unfortunately, very few Dogs (or any other kind of Pet) get the Love and attention they deserve because, to so many people, a Pet is just another possession. How many children talk Mom & Dad into getting a pet with promises of, I’ll take care of it and walk it and feed it and clean-up behind it? I guess we’ve all been there. I’ve never understood how anyone could pay such a high price for a pet and not know everything they could about that pets Parents, environment and history. I see Men and Women risking their Lives to stop Whalers from killing a Whale and I wonder where are the Champions for all these poor, mistreated Dogs. You are absolutely correct, until the Profit is removed from the “Pet Slave Trade” it will contiue to thrive.
    We need Jail terms and re-education for any offenders who would hurt or abuse any Animal. We need a International Database to keep track of offenders and mandatory notification of their locations any time they move just like Sexual Predators. Those of us who care should be able to find those who don’t so we can take the Fight to them or at least keep an Eye on them.
    More than anything, the Sale of Pets should become illegal Worldwide. If you want to raise multiple animals it should be out of Love for that species, NEVER for Profit. We should be held responsible for the pets we take in or raise by means of electronic monitoring so that anytime that an animal has to be “Put Down” for whatever reason, it’s owner will be present to witness and to pay for the outcome of his Ignorance. (Maybe we could give the owner the SAME treatment that his neglected charges recieve and “Put Him Down” Too!)
    I know these are extreme measures but they are no more extreme than what I would do to Anyone that would try to Harm my Taffy! SINCERELY: Robert B.

  61. —Addendum—

    Please don’t think that by simply not buying these puppies our problems with these breeders would end because then they would simply kill the animals so they wouldn’t have to continue to feed and house them.
    We need to rescue the victims and incarcerate the
    IN-Humans that are responsible.

  62. Of course demand fuels supply, as with everything else & puppy “farms “should be illegal,those who run them should face the stiffest penalties, but I fear that won’t happen because there aren’t enough resources or enough will to do it. This is far from a new problem – in 1971 I bought a poodle from a registered breeder. When I went to see him I was horrified by the conditions that he & his mother were kept in. the RSPCA “spoke” to the owner, who I’m sure just went on doing what he did. Freddie turned out to be a healthy, happy boy, whom I still remember with love. The idea that we are a nation of animal lovers is, I think, a myth. Just because we don’t go in for bear baiting doesn’t mean we have animals’ best interests at heart.

  63. I really don’t like people who use animals to make money out of them. I hate to say this but my two dogs came from a breeder who used to live near where i live. we had another dog called Kirk who was a 3 year old rescue German Sheppard who the previuos owner left him tied up to a tree outside a shop,some friends of us called the rspca and was taken away as we were looking for a dog our friends told us about it and we got in touch with the rspca after waiting for a week in case someone claim the dog back the rspca contact us and we fetch him he was only 6 months old.
    My husband and I gave him a lovely home and he gave us three years of loving until he got cancer in the brain and we had to let him go . i was so upset, i still get upset when i think of him like i’m now writting this . After a month of his death was my birthday and my husband and friends organised a birthday party surprise for me, and as i was talking to some of the guess my husband come out from the room with a little carton box with a puppy on it i just cry in front of everyone , after the party and everyone gone i ask my husband where he got the puppy and told me about this person selling them and he also told my that he had bougth another one from the same person as aparently was a litter of 6 puppies i told my husband i wasn’t happy he bought them i told him a would prefered to save another dog from the dogs home . well to cut my story short my two dogs were the only dogs this person sold as i was told, and the rspca got involve and took away the rest of the puppies who knows what happened to them i hope they fund loving homes . I love my dogs very much, and i will make sure that next time we need a dog it doesn’t come from a breeder. so lets stop buying dogs from them and rescue the ones that really need a home There is too many dogs in rescue centers so please, please, give them a loving home thank you

  64. All i have to say on the matter is where ever there’s a market for this sort of thing ie while ever people buy from these puppy farms, breeders will continue to farm puppies….simple as.

  65. Reading all the comments above it seems that all breeders are being tarred with the same brush. Not all people who breed dogs keep them in filthy living conditions.

    I have x2 dogs who were both bought from seperate breeders. The first one was hand reared for 12 weeks by the breeder (who had to leave her work to do this) because the mother had a calcium deficiency that made her unable to look after her own pups. My second dog was raised in an outdoor kennel by the mother with her 5 brothers and sisters. Just because some dogs are not raised in a cosy, centrally heated house does not mean that the breeder is running a puppy farm.

    It is very unfair to try and force everyone to only get dogs from rescue homes. Of course, this is the prefered place to get your life long companion from but sometimes this just does not work out. Say you needed a non-shedding dog due to allergies and there were none available for adoption at the rescue home, would you just take home any dog? No…if this happened then the dog would just end up straight back in the home soon afterwards. Probably more emotionally scarred than when he went in the first time!

    If all the puppy farms were shut down then where would these little tykes end up? The Rescue Shelter! These shelters do not have the funds or capacity to handle such a large volume of dogs. Humans will always want dogs for companionship but if the supply of pups drops then humans will just find more horrifying ways to procure these dogs………i dread to think.

    1. Nobody is talking about reputable breeders. With that I mean breeders who know about genetics, breed standards and genetic markers. But you need to educate yourself. Until you have first hand seen (as i have) the horrors of a puppy mill you won’t understand. And if you knew how many dogs are put down every day, because shelters can’t find a home for them and are overpopulated you would probably think differently. There are so many rescues out there who specialize in certain breeds, that if you need a hypoallergenic dog you can find one in a rescue with a little research and work!

  66. Certainly the people who buy from these “puppy mills” are a part of the problem. In a real way, they create the demand that makes such places profitable. However, in most cases, we’re talking about someone who just wants a dog and probably has no idea that whom you buy from matters that much. They want a pet — and they want to provide a pet a good home and good care. Their intentions are honorable.

    To be honest, the only coverage of this shameful practice is in places where loving pet-owners will see them. Sure, occasionally the news will do it as a fluff piece, but other than that — where have you seen coverage of these places and these “crimes against puppies” outside pet websites or blogs?

    The simple truth is that we need to expose these people to the average person, to let them not what’s happened to his or her new dog. And we need to carefully explain what’s wrong with this situation.

    And if the Supreme Court can declare that Corporations have some of the same rights and liberties of individual citizens — one of the most incredibly stupid decisions in the history of that body which we could once call august and fair — why not give puppies rights too?

  67. All good recommendations but what most of the previous posts seem not to mention is that once a puppy is born – regardless of it coming from a puppy farm or elsewhere it deserves a loving and good home. Legislation needs to stop these establishments – otherwise we are in a never ending kind of chicken egg kind of situation.

  68. I do agree with the article for the most part. I’m not sure how to achieve this “no demand” policy, though.

    I think the key is education. I’ve worked in rescue for a long time and now am involved with a rescue group I helped start. People in general are “stupid”. Or maybe “ignorant” is the better word. We need to educate the public about the horrors of puppy mills, about what goes on in shelters, why dogs end up in shelters, etc., etc. Maybe then they will understand that adopting is the better option and that – while I don’t agree – there is a place for responsible breeders who know about genetics and how to breed desirable traits.

  69. I absolutely agree with this article. Too many of the programmes and articles about puppy farms take the point of view of sympathising with the ‘poor owners’ who have paid hundreds of pounds for a puppy which either dies or has multiple health problems and costs a fortune in vet fees. I have no sympathy at all for these people, they chose to buy into this horrible trade. The poor dogs have no choice.

    Although I’ve been involved in rescue for many years I accept that a rescue dog may not be right for everyone, but if you buy from a breeder you have to be prepared to do your research and ensure they are a good breeder, and you have to be prepared to wait – often for many months – for a litter to come along. Unfortunately many people ‘want it now’ and close their eyes to where the pups have come from.

    If the market for farmed puppies suddenly stopped then yes, a lot of the current breeding stock would probably be destroyed, but imo that’s better than a continued life of misery for them and for all the future generations who will replace them once they pass breeding age.

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