A Third of British Pets Have Their Own ‘Special’ Chair

According to new research released by electronics giant, Samsung, a third of the UK’s pets can claim to own a ‘special’ chair in our sitting rooms, while over half (53%) of dog owners admit that their dog’s needs have influenced an important life decision such as where they live or what job they have.

Mealtimes have also witnessed an upgrade in recent years with four in ten owners (41%) admitting they regularly treat their dogs to doggie ‘fine dining’ by cooking additional portions of their own food for the family pet.

So, does your dog have his own chair? Would you make your friends or family sit on the floor rather than ask them politely to move over?

Let us know if you’ve made any life changing decisions based on your pets needs and how much time you dedicate to their dietary needs as your dog’s very own chef, we’d love to hear from you!

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