One of the perks of owning your own magazine is that you can indulge a little at times, and so please bear with us as we indulge a little, remembering Chloe on what would have been her 16th birthday.
She didn’t have many faults.
She could take a photograph like a pro.
Or she could learn.
Okay, well maybe not, but she didn’t care.
She could run and jump with the best of them.
She loved to swim.
She loved to dance like no one was watching to Mariah Carey, and wasn’t above the odd snub (take that Cat face, she never did forget those two slaps you gave her).
She was quite happy taking the backseat on most things letting Mia take centre stage.
She adored, and was adored in return. She loved unconditionally.
Gone but not forgotten.
Take a moment and indulge with us, share your canine memories and special moments by commenting below – we’d love to hear from you, or join us on Facebook @K9Mag and share your own dog’s photos on Chloe’s post and let us put a face to the name 🙂
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