If you’re looking to spend a few minutes watching some dogs have fun, then look no further than Vine. Designed so show shorter video clips rather than full length videos, you can discover a whole new world in a shorter space of time.
Here are seven of the most amazing dogs we’ve found while exploring Vine…
1. Marnie the dog
Rescued from the streets as an older girl, this 12 year old Shih Tzu now lives the high life and has over 615,000 followers on Vine.
Follow Marnie here
2. Rosie
There’s a whole lotta love for Rosie with over 236,000 people following this Chihuahua girl.
Follow Rosie here
3. Dinky
This pup has attitude, and loves to drive! With more than 550,000 followers, it’s fair to say a lot of people love #dinkynation
Follow Dinky here
4. Strudel
No doubt a rising star, we’re sure big things are going to happen for this girl.
Follow Strudel here
5. Belle Villegas
Who can forget this lovely little girl’s amazing entrance that captured a smile from many a dog lover last year?
Follow Belle and her owner here
6. Barkley the Pom
A celebrity in his own right, he has over 450,000 followers on Vine.
Follow Barkley here
7. Wheezer
This Australian Silky Terrier music aficionado will surely make you smile.
Follow Wheezer here
We hope you enjoyed our countdown of seven of the most amazing dogs we’ve found on Vine!